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Was this your first WordCamp? *

Are you a member of the WordPress Brisbane meetup? *

The Brisbane WordPress meetup group can be found here: check out for other WordPress meetup groups around Australia (and the world)

How would you rate WordCamp Brisbane? *

On a scale of 1-5, with 1 being the worst, and 5 being perfect.

1 2 3 4 5
WordCamp overall
The Venue choice
The Food
The Coffee
The Speakers
Transport to venue
The Shirts

WordCamp overall

The Venue choice

The Food

The Coffee

The Speakers

Transport to venue

The Shirts

What was the best part of the Weekend? *

What could we have done better?

This survey is anonymous, we encourage you to give constructive feedback which we can use to plan the next WordCamp Brisbane (and advise other WordCamps in Australia)

When should we plan the next WordCamp in Brisbane?

Historically WordCamps happen every 9-12months in Australia, 2013: Melbourne, 2014: Sydney, 2015: Brisbane, 2016: ???.

Did WordCamp Brisbane inspire you? If so, how?

Do you feel WordCamp Brisbane was priced at the right price? Was it worth it?

WordCamp Brisbane tickets were $50, heavily subsidised by sponsors to make up the majority of the per-person cost.
It's unlikely the price in the future will change significantly, WordCamps strive to keep the cost low to encourage everyone (no matter their income, age, or circumstances) to come. We're mostly interested in how much value you feel you got from the ticket.

Last Question! Anything else you'd like to let us know?

Thanks for coming to WordCamp Brisbane!

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